ABBA Updates-SPA

Recharged to Run Again!

Despite ABBA youth conferences getting cancelled this year due to COVID-19, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we were able to plan and hold Zoom meetings with the youth leaders from 21 different regions of Peru throughout the last two weeks of October. It was a time to get to know our ABBA youth leaders on a more personal level and hear about their walk with the Lord this past year. What a blessed time it was! We were able to hear testimonies of God’s unending goodness through the hardships they had faced in the midst of the pandemic. Everyone was touched as we were once again reminded of Abba Father’s heart towards us– He desires us to sit in His presence daily talking with Him and meditating on His word so that we are equipped to fight and claim victory over the sin-virus we face each day. Many were recharged to once again fix their eyes on Christ and run the race set before them with new strength and perseverance. As we pray about next steps, please join us to seek God’s revelation and guidance to help youth leaders to be recharged by Holy Spirit, and recharge the peers they are leading to become mighty warriors in Christ together.

Good News in Hard Times

“Hello everyone, God bless you all. I ask that you support us in prayer as we go to evangelize in the rural areas [of Peru]. God bless you.” This was a message that was posted in the CEJA group chat by a young man named Elvis. He asked for prayers as a group of young adults from his local church gathered early one Saturday morning to prepare bags of basic necessities for people in a town called Las Laderas. They wanted to bring food and other supplies for those in great physical need, but more importantly, to bring the Good News of life and hope that would fill the greatest void in their lives. At the end of the day, Elvis shared with the rest of CEJA participants what God had done, of the souls that had been saved and added to the kingdom of God. He encouraged them to press on, continue to share the Good News, and see God show up and save the lost. The time is always now! CEJA (Centro de Entrenamiento Juvenil ABBA) - Abba Youth and Young People training Center is the place where next generation mighty men and women are being raised up through Hanhee Kim World Mission Center. Our God has called many young people to become the fishers of man. Praise the Lord!

Pan de Vida

The second biannual edition of the “Encuentro con Abba Padre” (ECAP) devotional is on its way to the hands of many eagerly waiting youth all over Peru, who yearn to know Abba Father more. We thank God for answering our prayers to get the devotionals printed and ready to ship out before the end of June because it had seemed nearly impossible due to limited manpower and resources from the ongoing lock down in Peru. ECAP has served as a great tool for youth leaders to stay in touch with their members and encourage them in their spiritual walk with Jesus during these times of isolation. As King David rejoiced in the presence of the Lord, we pray that through ECAP, youth would learn to rejoice in His Living Word!

¡Una Guerrera Llamada a Casa!

¡Una Guerrera Llamada a Casa! El coronavirus sigue dispersándose por todas partes del mundo, y estamos recibiendo noticias desafortunadas de varios casos de infección entre nuestros pastores. Con corazones apenados, compartimos que la Pastora Zenaida quien estaba sirviendo en ambos ministerios, Children of Jesus-COJ y ABBA, falleció días después de luchar contra el

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